2019年8月21日 星期三

Charles Handy 87歲: Organisations focus so much on efficiency that they fail to be effective

2019/07/25 - Charles Handy explains the curse of efficiency. ... Organisations focus so much on efficiency that they fail to be effective. Instead of concentrating on their core goal, they pay attention to narrower measures like cutting costs, ...

Organisations focus so much on efficiency that they fail to be effective, according to Charles ... a clear understanding of time frames and the level of research actually necessary to be effective in delivering an ...
Beginning with Adam Smith, business thinkers have steadfastly regarded the elimination of waste as management's holy ... The notions that the way we organize work can influence productivity more than individual effort can and that ... To understand why an unrelenting focuson efficiency is so dangerous, we must first explore our most basic .... Many are now what economists consider “ ...

