2023年4月2日 星期日

新知集:20世紀的"關鍵字" "The Machine ",房子、汽車、電腦;"Maverick"......; "Leaders" (Peter Drucker 和 W. Edward Deming 選領導者) ......,讀《特立獨行者和他的IBM 帝國-- 沃森傳》The Maverick and His Machine: Thomas Watson, Sr. and the Making of IBM.


Le Corbusier — 'A house is a machine for living in. 
兩本書名中的"The Machine "

The Machine that changed the world

The Maverick and His Machine: Thomas Watson, Sr. and the Making of IBM 《特立獨行者和他的IBM 帝國-- 沃森傳》

: Thomas Watson,和 Slone都是杜拉克所佩服的企業家

20世紀的"關鍵字" "The Machine ",房子、汽車、電腦;"Maverick"......; "Leaders" (Peter Drucker 和 W. Edward Deming 選領導者) ......,讀《特立獨行者和他的IBM 帝國-- 沃森傳》The Maverick and His Machine: Thomas Watson, Sr. and the Making of IBM.  

  1. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.

Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision.

[Possibly after Samuel Augustus Maverick (1803-1870), American cattleman who left the calves in his herd unbranded .]

Definition of maverick
  • an unorthodox or independent-minded person:he’s the maverick of the senate
  • North American an unbranded calf or yearling.


  • unorthodox:a maverick detective


mid 19th century: from the name of Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), a Texas rancher who did not brand his cattle


mav • er • ick
mavericks (複数形)
1 ((米))所有者を示す焼き印のない牛;(特に)母牛から離れた焼き印のない子牛.
2 どの派にも属さない政治家[芸術家, 組織など];一匹オオカミ, 異端者
a maverick among Republicans
━━[形]〈政治家が〉無所属の.  特立獨行的

[米国Texas州の開拓者Samuel A. Maverick(1803-70)の名より]

Farewell, Peter Drucker: A Tribute to an Intellectual Giant

Published: November 30, 2005 in Knowledge@Wharton

Back in 1942, when Peter F. Drucker was a professor of politics and philosophy at Bennington College in Vermont, a book he had written, The Future of Industrial Man, caught the attention of some people at General Motors. They invited Drucker to study GM and Drucker agreed -- ignoring the warnings of those who said the project might derail his academic career. As Drucker said later, it was as though he had single-handedly begun an expedition to map "the dark continent of management." That exploration, which gave birth to the field of management, came to an end on November 11 when Drucker passed away at age 95.

"With the passing of Peter Drucker, the world has lost one of its intellectual giants," says Yoram (Jerry) Wind, director of the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at Wharton. "Wharton and I have lost a friend, as has the field of enlightened and responsible management of both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Yet Peter's legacy and impact as a role model will last."

To honor Drucker's legacy and celebrate the ongoing relevance of his ideas and insights, Knowledge@Wharton asked several Wharton professors to sum up Drucker's most important contributions to management knowledge. Their answers are grounded in Drucker's writings on management and marketing. In Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the 25 Most Influential Business People of Our Times, a book published last year, Knowledge@Wharton and Nightly Business Report named Drucker one of the 25 most influential business leaders of the past 25 years, though had the time span been 50 years he would still easily have made the list.