2019年1月26日 星期六

戴明1983年得Taylor Key Award (管理學界大獎)

Recipient of the Taylor Key Award, American Management Association.

 Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position (此書1986年改名 Out of the Crisis). 而得獎
Publishes book, Out of the Crisis.
In this seminal book, Deming offers a theory of management based on his famous 14 Points for Management and shows how American companies require nothing less than a transformation of management style and of governmental relations with industry. In simple, direct language, he explains the principles of management transformation and how to apply them.

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The Taylor Key Award is one of the highest awards of the Society for Advancement of Management. This management awards is awarded annually to one or more persons for "the outstanding contribution to the advancement of the art and science of management as conceived by Frederick W. Taylor."[1][2]
The Taylor Key has been awarded in cooperation with the American Management Association.[3]

Award winners[edit]

The award winners have been:[4]
Other prominent winners of the Taylor Key Awards have been Don G. Mitchell, and Kaichiro Nishino.[2]

Deming becomes emeritus professor at New York University. 1975

Consultant, "retires" from teaching; becomes emeritus professor at New York University.