2019年5月3日 星期五

An old story tells of three stonecutters who were asked what they were doing. 你所不知道的聖家堂 ~ 聖家堂的工人

An old story tells of three stonecutters who were asked what they were doing. The first replied, ‘I am making a living.’ The second kept on hammering while he said, ‘I am doing the best job of stonecutting in the entire country.’ The third one looked up with a visionary gleam in his eyes and said, ‘I am building a cathedral.’ 
This story, made famous by Peter F Drucker in his book from 1954, ‘The Practice of Management’, remains a powerful illustrations of the challenges faced by leaders: how do you create the environment within which your people are motivated to reach beyond the task and connect with the broader vision?

【你所不知道的聖家堂 ~ 聖家堂的工人】
聖家堂始建於 1882 年,這十幾年來,我每星期至少帶團去聖家堂 3-4 次(旺季的時候還有可能一星期去超過 7 次),所以,我覺得我應該全世界講中文的人中,進過聖家堂最多次的人 ...... 進聖家堂導覽,還順便監工一下,看看教堂的建造進度。
這十幾年下來,導遊越來越欽佩聖家堂的工人,他們不但要具有普通建築工人的技巧,還要會攀岩,導遊曾親眼看過工人從 67 公尺高的地方一台階一台階地爬到最高的塔式吊車的駕駛室,141 公尺高耶!真是非常驚訝,那位塔式吊車司機爬了 74 公尺(二十幾層樓),前後爬十幾分鐘才抵達,如果是普通人,還沒上班就已累壞了,更別談有懼高症的人啦!

