2016年11月16日 星期三

Peter Drucker on Asking the Wrong Questions;批評漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的 the Banality of Evil

Peter Drucker 批評漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的 the Banality of Evil
在【旁觀者】(頁289),廖月娟將 the Banality of Evil翻譯為"罪惡的平庸無奇"。
Peter Drucker認為這真是"最不恰當的語詞"。她對於"大罪人"還抱著浪漫的幻想,並深陷其中。(接下來,Peter Drucker 引用莎士比亞的Othello和Macbeth兩劇;【旁觀者】中譯只注前劇) 世上不是有相當多的Iago--平庸無奇卻患下滔天大罪的人?像Lady Macbeth那樣的,則是少之又少。

『執筆之時,正值德國哲學家漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的108歲誕辰,我在佔領的旺角街頭中看過有人貼起印著她頭像的宣傳單張,粗略地闡釋了她最為著名的「平庸之惡」這個概念。

Eichmann, the Banality of Evil, and Thinking in Arendt's ...


Eichmann in Jerusalem (2) was originated when Hannah Arendt went to Jerusalem in order to report, for The New Yorker, on the trial of Otto Adolf Eichmann,  ...

Amor Mundi 10/4/15

Hannah Arendt considered calling her magnum opus Amor MundiLove of the World. Instead, she settled upon The Human Condition. What is most difficult, Arendt writes, is to love the world as it is, with all the evil and suffering in it. And yet she came to do just that. Loving the world means neither uncritical acceptance nor contemptuous rejection. Above all it means the unwavering facing up to and comprehension of that which is.
Every Sunday, The Hannah Arendt Center Amor Mundi Weekly Newsletter will offer our favorite essays and blog posts from around the web. These essays will help you comprehend the world. And learn to love it.

Peter Drucker on Asking the Wrong Questions - Hannah Arendt Center ...

Sep 29, 2015 - Peter Drucker offers his views on asking the wrong questions in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.”
— Peter Drucker, in Men, Ideas, & Politics
(Featured image sourced from Claremont Graduate University.)
Peter Drucker’s Biography
Peter F. Drucker was born in 1909 in Vienna, Austria. He was educated in Austria and England and earned a doctorate in public and international law at Frankfurt University in Germany. A social ecologist, writer, consultant, and retired professor, he has published 41 books. His books on economics, politics, society, and management have been translated into 37 languages. Coordinated with his writings, he developed a series of professional training programs including, most recently, a series of on-line courses on management and business strategies.
Dr. Drucker wrote a regular column in the Wall Street Journal for 20 years. He has published articles in professional journals and publications including The EconomistHarvard Business ReviewThe Atlantic MonthlyFinancial TimesForeign AffairsFortune, Inc., and Harpers.
Dr. Drucker received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor, and orders from the governments of Japan and Austria. He holds 25 honorary doctorates from American, Belgian, Czech, English, Spanish, and Swiss universities. He served as the president of the Society for the History of Technology from 1955 to 1960.
(Biography sourced from Claremont Graduate University.)

