2024年12月25日 星期三

Howards End 的知音:Peter Drucker《旁觀者的時代》 提到Charles Dickens and his characters:"Martin Chuzzlewit" 作者出版十餘年之後,為書中描寫的美國選舉時的土製popularist諷刺過度“抱歉”……作者是先知,寫出至2024年選舉揭曉的“真正的美國”…… 等等;Forster's genius was quiet; Howard's End, E. M. Forster's classic 1910

Howards End 的知音:Peter Drucker{旁觀者的時代} 提到Charles Dickens and his characters:"Martin Chuzzlewit" 作者出版十餘年之後,為書中描寫的美國選舉時的土製popularist諷刺過度“抱歉”……作者是先知,寫出至2024年選舉揭曉的“真正的美國”…… 等等;Forster's genius was quiet; Howard's End, E. M. Forster's classic 1910

政治模式以川普的民粹主義為特徵。Charles Dickens and his characters:"Martin Chuzzlewit" PETER DRUCKER 說其中諷刺美國 POPULISTS Dickens後來抱歉太過火。"The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
“真正的美國”…… "Martin Chuzzlewit"這本小說很厚,有中譯本。Peter Drucker 在回憶錄“旁觀者……”提到作者出版十餘年之後,為書中描寫的美國選舉時的土製popularist諷刺過度“抱歉”……作者是先知,寫出至2024年選舉揭曉的“真正的美國”……
一位《紐約時報》分析師寫道,2012 年的總統競選結束了美國政治的一種模式,此後以川普的民粹主義為特徵。
U.S. Enters a New Political Era, Defined by Donald Trump
The presidential race in 2012 ended a pattern in U.S. politics, which has since become characterized by Mr. Trump’s populism, a Times analyst writes.
《馬丁·查茲勒維特》是查爾斯·狄更斯於1843 年至1844 年連載的一部小說。和救贖等主題。
故事以年輕建築師馬丁·查茲勒維特 (Martin Chuzzlewit) 為中心,由於自私行為,他被富有的祖父(也叫馬丁·查茲勒維特)剝奪了繼承權。小說對比了兩個Chuzzlewits的命運:尋求道德救贖和個人成長的馬丁,以及貪婪和腐敗的表弟喬納斯,導致他走上犯罪和絕望的道路。
狄更斯用豐富的人物諷刺了社會的各個層面,包括虛偽、貪婪和對財富的追求。著名人物包括賽斯·佩克斯尼夫(Seth Pecksniff),一位自私自利、假裝善良的建築師,以及莫爾德先生(Mr. Mould),一位從他人的死亡中獲利的喪葬承辦人。敘事充滿幽默和社會評論,展現了狄更斯對人性的敏銳觀察。


Margaret saw their visitors to the gate. Then she returned to her husband and laid her head in his hands. He was pitiably tired. But Dolly’s remark had interested her. At last she said: “Could you tell me, Henry, what was that about Mrs. Wilcox having left me Howards End?”
Tranquilly he replied: “Yes, she did. But that is a very old story. When she was ill and you were so kind to her she wanted to make you some return, and, not being herself at the time, scribbled ‘Howards End’ on a piece of paper. I went into it thoroughly, and, as it was clearly fanciful, I set it aside, little knowing what my Margaret would be to me in the future.”
Margaret was silent. Something shook her life in its inmost recesses, and she shivered.
“I didn’t do wrong, did I?” he asked, bending down.
“You didn’t, darling. Nothing has been done wrong.”
From the garden came laughter. “Here they are at last!” exclaimed Henry, disengaging himself with a smile. Helen rushed into the gloom, holding Tom by one hand and carrying her baby on the other. There were shouts of infectious joy.
“The field’s cut!” Helen cried excitedly—“the big meadow! We’ve seen to the very end, and it’ll be such a crop of hay as never!”
WEYBRIDGE, 1908-1910.
Howards End, by E. M. Forster

這兩天看了迷你影集Howard's End,天哪。我要瘋了,太好看了。......

In November 2017, a four-part adaptation by Kenneth Lonergan was broadcast by the BBC. It was a co-production with US broadcaster Starz.

2015年11月19日 20:01 ·

今天是Peter Drucker的生日,我在昨天的紀念會上忘記說這段,補上:
Peter Drucker 認為 Howards End 一書是 E. M. Forster (1879-1970)的小說中最偉大的,也是20世紀最細緻的英國散文作品。它可以作為英國階級系統的寓言;書中可見維繫社會的禮儀已開始瓦解了。小說中提到的德國表兄妹雖從未露面,但他們的醜陋、驕慢和目中無人的優越感卻是籠罩全書的陰影。 ({旁觀者的時代},頁253)

Books 書海微瀾: Howards End, E. M. Forster's classic 1910

今年大英博物館的北齋展,特意"超越"下文的刻板印象:"Hokusai and the wave that swept the world"......

二三個月前,我在漢清講堂弄一片:画狂老人 Hokusai, Katsushika.....(待推出)。

1. 杜拉克的成就與他跟2所大學的關係
2.目標管理制 (MBO) 的功過
3. 日本作為文化、社會與產業的參考點
4. 討論 Peter Drucker 的3本書:
1.回憶錄 《旁觀者》Adventures of A Bystander By Peter Drucker 旁觀者-管理大...
2.《不連續的時代》The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changi...
3.The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management

Lectures and Meetings: 1118 2015 紀念 Peter Drucker (杜拉克)博士 (2015) 《旁觀者》


 Forster's genius was quiet; Howard's End, E. M. Forster's classic 1910

Both as a writer and as a moralist, E.M. Forster regarded the exploration of abstract forms and ideas as dubious, valuing messy humanity instead. Some regarded this as woolly thinking—a famous Cambridge critic, F.R. Leavis, believed his lectures were characterised by “intellectual nullity”. But the novelist—who died on June 7th 1970—was covertly sophisticated

E.M. Forster died on this day in 1970

Everyman's Library

"She lay under the earth now. She had gone, and as if to make her going the more bitter, had gone with a touch of mystery that was all unlike her."
—from HOWARDS END (1910) by E.M. Forster

“The tragedy of preparedness has scarcely been handled, save by the Greeks. Life is indeed dangerous, but not in the way morality would have us believe. It is indeed unmanageable, but the essence of it is not a battle. It is unmanageable because it is a romance, and its essence is romantic beauty.”
―from HOWARDS END (sic) by E.M. Forster
"I do like Christmas on the whole.... In its clumsy way, it does approach Peace and Goodwill. But it is clumsier every year."
~from "Howard's End" by E.M. Forster

First published in 1910, Howards End is the novel that earned E. M. Forster recognition as a major writer. At its heart lie two families—the wealthy and business-minded Wilcoxes and the cultured and idealistic Schlegels. When the beautiful and independent Helen Schlegel begins an impetuous affair with the ardent Paul Wilcox, a series of events is sparked—some very funny, some very tragic—that results in a dispute over who will inherit Howards End, the Wilcoxes' charming country home.

At its heart lie two families—the wealthy and business-minded Wilcoxes and the cultured and idealistic Schlegels. When the beautiful and independent Helen Schlegel begins an impetuous affair with the ardent Paul Wilcox, a series of events is sparked—some very funny, some very tragic—that results in a dispute over who will inherit Howards End, the Wilcoxes’ charming country home. As much about the clash between individual wills as the clash between the sexes and the classes, Howards End is a novel whose central tenet, “Only connect,” remains a powerful prescription for modern life. READ more here: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/howards-end-by-em-fors…/#

Howards End (1910) is an ambitious "condition-of-England" novel concerned with different groups within the Edwardian middle classes represented by the Schlegels (bohemian intellectuals), the Wilcoxes (thoughtless plutocrats) and the Basts (struggling lower-middle-class aspirants).
It is frequently observed that characters in Forster's novels die suddenly. This is true of Where Angels Fear to TreadHowards End and, most particularly, The Longest Journey.

著名的小說就叫"Howard's End"(中文譯本叫做《綠苑春濃》,聯經,1992;
《此情可問天》,業強,1992),書名中的Howard是姓氏,End是宅第的名稱,通常位置在一條街道的盡頭, ...

Peter Drucker 認為Howards End 一書是 E. M. Forster (1879-1970)的小說中最偉大的,也是20世紀最細緻的英國散文作品。它可以作為英國階級系統的寓言;書中可見維繫社會的禮儀已開始瓦解了。小說中提到的德國表兄妹雖從未露面,但他們的醜陋、驕慢和目中無人的優越感卻是籠罩全書的陰影。 ({旁觀者的時代},頁253)

Howards End英文原文

end 角

  • The outside or extreme edge or physical limit; a boundary: the end of town.
  • (面をもつものの)端の部分, 境界(線), 周辺地域, はずれ
    The monument to Forster in StevenageHertfordshire, near Rooks Nest where Forster grew up and on which he based the setting for his novel Howards End. The area is now known as Forster Country.

    電影情節已忘 One of the best Ismail Merchant/James Ivory films, this adaptation of E. M. Forster's classic 1910 novel shows in careful detail the injuriously rigid British class consciousness of the early 20th century. The film's catalyst is "poor relation" Margaret Schlegel (Emma Thompson), who inherits part of the estate of Ruth Wilcox (Vanessa Redgrave), an upper-class woman whom she had befriended. The film's principal characters are divided by caste: aristocratic industrial Henry Wilcox (Anthony Hopkins); middle-echelon Margaret and her sister Helen (Helena Bonham Carter); and working-class clerk Leonard Bast (Sam West) and his wife (Nicola Duffett). The personal and social conflicts among these characters ultimately result in tragedy for Bast and disgrace for Wilcox, but the film's wider theme remains the need, in the words of the novel's famous epigram, to "only connect" with other people, despite boundaries of gender, class, or petty grievance. Filmed on a proudly modest budget, Howards End offers sets, spectacles, and costumes as lavish as in any historical epic. Nominated for 9 Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director, the film took home awards for Thompson as Best Actress, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala's adapted screenplay, and Luciana Arrighi's art direction. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi

    About 31,600 results

      1. Howards End 1992 Subtitulos en español

        • 1 month ago
        CINE DE 1992 " La mansión Howard " con Anthony Hopkins, y Emma Thompson --- Director: James Ivory Estreno --- 13 / 03 ...

    電影名稱:[英]霍華德莊園/此情可問天/Howards End

