2016年12月11日 星期日

Your Company’s Purpose Is Not Its Vision, Mission, or Values



Your Company’s Purpose Is Not Its Vision, Mission, or Values



願景聲明vision statement陳述的是,組織希望在未來幾年之後變成什麼樣子。它通常是由資深高階主管制訂,希望採用一種印象深刻的明確方式,來跳脫日常活動的思維。例如,瑞典企業愛立信(Ericsson)是一家全球性的通訊設備、軟體、服務供應商,它設定的願景是,成為「全方位溝通的世界的主要驅動者」。





2016年12月5日 星期一

The most crucial "how to do it" requirement: the courage to go through with logical decisions

This is part of the last and most crucial "how to do it" requirement: the courage to go through with logical decisions—despite all pleas to give this or that product another chance, and despite all such specious alibis as the accountant's "it absorbs overhead" or the sale's manager's "we need a full product line." (Of course, these are not always unfounded alibis, but the burden of proof of every alibi rests with those that plead it.) It would be nice if I did, but unfortunately I know of no procedure or checklist for managerial courage.
--Peter Drucker

seeming to be right or true, but really wrong or false:
a specious argument/claim
specious allegations/promises

2016年11月19日 星期六

社會生態學家 Peter Drucker: The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition《恐懼與顫抖》 "Fear and Trembling" (1843) by Soren Kierkegaard; Essay by Peter F. Drucker, "The Unfashionable Kierkegaard" .

Peter Drucker未能將齊克果的生命的學問寫入他的管理學系統。

Hanching Chung
2015.10.14,我在紀念W. Edwards Deming的講座上要談 Peter Drucker 與Dr. Deming 在紐約大學商學院的交往。
Peter Drucker 生前出書約40本,有早年傳記《旁觀者》。不過我認為1993年出版的The Ecological Vision 《社會生態學的靈視》也很可以看出他的本色: Peter Drucker自稱為一位社會生態學家,詳下。
The Ecological Vision (1993)第8部的引言。它說一輩子的文章探討的是社會。不過他18-19歲,1928年在工讀時,讀到齊克果《恐懼與顫抖》,醒悟到人還有更基本的「存在」的維度。他「希望」在他一輩子成功的「社會」方面的論述之後,還可進而指出其理論的限制。

Peter Drucker: The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition

Fritz Mauthner、1849年11月22日 - 1923年6月29日 的《語言學批判》

























第十四章   不入流的克爾凱郭爾/



彼得·F. 德魯克,管理學科的開創者,被尊為“大師中的大師”、“現代管理學之父”, 他稱自己是“社會生態學家”。他的思想被傳播到了130多個國家,對社會學和經濟學的影響頗為深遠,其著作架起了從工業時代到知識時代的橋樑。1909年德魯克生於維也納的一個書香門第,1931年獲得法蘭克福大學國際法博士學位,1937年移居美國,一生以教書、著書和諮詢為業。2005年11月11日,德魯克在加州克萊蒙特的家中溘然長逝,享年95歲。他著述頗豐,包括《管理的實踐》、《卓有成效的管理者》、《管理:任務、責任和實踐》、《旁觀者》等幾十部著作,以30餘種文字出版,總銷售量超過600萬冊。他還曾7次獲得“麥肯錫獎”,2002年6月,獲得當年的“總統自由勳章”,這是美國公民所能獲得的最高榮譽。20世紀80年代,德魯克的思想被引入中國,2004年,德魯克管理學全面進入中國的管理教育領域。


彼得·德魯克書摘: 第一卷 本卷序言 這一卷的前三篇文章:《美國本質關乎政治》、《卡爾霍恩的多極主義》以及《亨利·福特:最後的平民主義者》是我為暫定名為《美國經驗》一書所做的準備。我曾計劃出版好多書,但是這其中的大部分我並沒有沒動筆去寫,或是沒有寫完。《美國經驗》計劃包括20余章,除第一章外,每一章講述一個典型人物,例如卡爾霍恩或福特。每一章展現並討論一種獨一無二的美國特質、價值觀,或者說是一種思想。而美國民眾往往在潛移默化中形成這樣的價值觀,影響著他們對社會、經濟、政府和政治的認識。例如,第二章將談到喬納森·愛德華茲,他是北美殖民時期最後一位偉大的清教牧師、美國最偉大的神學家,同時他也是最先提出美國式的國家與教會關係。與愛德華茲同時代的歐洲人,在18世紀啟蒙運動的影響下試圖將國家和獨掌大權的教會分離開來,以保護國家。而愛德華茲主張的分離卻是為了保護宗教免受政府和政治的侵害。這可以說明為什麼在美國沒有產生反教權論,並且在發達國家中只有美國成為特例,能夠具備最世俗的政府,同時也有著最具宗教色彩的社會。書的最後一章原擬題為《林肯:我們的信仰》,準備討論一下這樣一個事實及其意義:在所有的國家中,美國將一位政治家作為大眾敬仰的人物。 這本書一直也沒能完成,因為我對不斷多極化的社會中新型社會組織的興趣越來越濃厚,關注程度也越來越高。這其中首先當然是工商企業以及在新的社會功能下對於這些機構的管理。但是對於剛才討論的主題我從未失去興趣。這一卷的最後兩篇文章雖是多年之後完成的,但是也談的是美國經驗——關於美國社會和美國政治的社會學。

  Peter Drucker先生的存在的維度: Soren Kierkegaard 齊克果
One of the most knowledgable and also influential management theorists, the famouis, late Peter Drucker, had a few sentences as follows, which revealed his true diciplines: a multiple-diciplined philosopher:

For Kiekegaard, human existence is possible only in tension--in tension between man's simultaneous life as an individual in the spirit and as a citizen in society.

Essay by Peter F. Drucker, "The Unfashionable Kierkegaard" .

先生的這段引言出自Peter Drucker 先生1993的書:The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition (GOOGLE BOOKS可讀它) 。中譯《管理的新角色: 社會生態學視野下的美國 》北京:華夏,2011。翻譯多不附原文,所以末章章名為《 不入流的克爾凱郭爾》,英文為 The Unfashionable Kierkegaard,"無法......



路加福音 (Luke ),第 14 章,25/26節:(有許多群眾與耶穌同行,耶穌轉身向他們說:)

"Faith is the highest passion in a man. There are perhaps many in every generation who do not even reach it, but no one gets further."
--from "Fear and Trembling" (1843) by Soren Kierkegaard
Now recognized as one of the nineteenth century's leading psychologists and philosophers, Kierkegaard was among other things the harbinger of exisentialisim. In Fear and Trembling he explores the psychology of religion, addressing the question 'What is Faith?' in terms of the emotional and psychological relationship between the individual and God. But this difficult question is addressed in the most vivid terms, as Kierkegaard explores different ways of interpreting the ancient story of Abraham and Isaac to make his point. Søren Kierkegaard not only ­trans­formed Protestant theology but also anticipated twentieth-century existentialism and provided it with many of its motifs. Fear and Trembling and The Book on Adler–addressed to a general audience–have the imaginative excitement and intense personal appeal of the greatest literature. Only Plato and Nietzsche have matched Kierkegaard’s ability to give ideas so compellingly vivid and dramatic a shape. Translated by Walter Lowrie.

2016年11月16日 星期三

Peter Drucker on Asking the Wrong Questions;批評漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的 the Banality of Evil

Peter Drucker 批評漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的 the Banality of Evil
在【旁觀者】(頁289),廖月娟將 the Banality of Evil翻譯為"罪惡的平庸無奇"。
Peter Drucker認為這真是"最不恰當的語詞"。她對於"大罪人"還抱著浪漫的幻想,並深陷其中。(接下來,Peter Drucker 引用莎士比亞的Othello和Macbeth兩劇;【旁觀者】中譯只注前劇) 世上不是有相當多的Iago--平庸無奇卻患下滔天大罪的人?像Lady Macbeth那樣的,則是少之又少。

『執筆之時,正值德國哲學家漢娜•鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)的108歲誕辰,我在佔領的旺角街頭中看過有人貼起印著她頭像的宣傳單張,粗略地闡釋了她最為著名的「平庸之惡」這個概念。

Eichmann, the Banality of Evil, and Thinking in Arendt's ...


Eichmann in Jerusalem (2) was originated when Hannah Arendt went to Jerusalem in order to report, for The New Yorker, on the trial of Otto Adolf Eichmann,  ...

Amor Mundi 10/4/15

Hannah Arendt considered calling her magnum opus Amor MundiLove of the World. Instead, she settled upon The Human Condition. What is most difficult, Arendt writes, is to love the world as it is, with all the evil and suffering in it. And yet she came to do just that. Loving the world means neither uncritical acceptance nor contemptuous rejection. Above all it means the unwavering facing up to and comprehension of that which is.
Every Sunday, The Hannah Arendt Center Amor Mundi Weekly Newsletter will offer our favorite essays and blog posts from around the web. These essays will help you comprehend the world. And learn to love it.

Peter Drucker on Asking the Wrong Questions - Hannah Arendt Center ...

Sep 29, 2015 - Peter Drucker offers his views on asking the wrong questions in this week's Thoughts on Thinking.

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong questions.”
— Peter Drucker, in Men, Ideas, & Politics
(Featured image sourced from Claremont Graduate University.)
Peter Drucker’s Biography
Peter F. Drucker was born in 1909 in Vienna, Austria. He was educated in Austria and England and earned a doctorate in public and international law at Frankfurt University in Germany. A social ecologist, writer, consultant, and retired professor, he has published 41 books. His books on economics, politics, society, and management have been translated into 37 languages. Coordinated with his writings, he developed a series of professional training programs including, most recently, a series of on-line courses on management and business strategies.
Dr. Drucker wrote a regular column in the Wall Street Journal for 20 years. He has published articles in professional journals and publications including The EconomistHarvard Business ReviewThe Atlantic MonthlyFinancial TimesForeign AffairsFortune, Inc., and Harpers.
Dr. Drucker received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor, and orders from the governments of Japan and Austria. He holds 25 honorary doctorates from American, Belgian, Czech, English, Spanish, and Swiss universities. He served as the president of the Society for the History of Technology from 1955 to 1960.
(Biography sourced from Claremont Graduate University.)

2016年10月12日 星期三

Inside Drucker's Brain by Jeffrey Krames


Inside Drucker's Brain 


2016年10月9日 星期日

杜拉克: 有效的領導者不一定要很聰明,但要言行一致


2016年10月2日 星期日

2016年如何紀念Peter Drucker ?1118 2015 紀念 Peter Drucker (杜拉克)博士 (2015) 《旁觀者》

2016年如何紀念Peter Drucker ?

1118 2015  紀念 Peter Drucker (杜拉克)博士 (2015) 《旁觀者》

2015 紀念杜拉 Peter Drucker 克博士

日期:11月18日(周三),10:00~ 13:00


電話:(02) 2365012


我從10月14日在"漢清講堂"上談【Deming and Drucker at GBA/NYU:A Friendship】起,就有意思將它寫成書,成立、c新設blog:http://ddhcc.blogspot.com/
所以決定在其生日的前一天,即11月18日上午舉辦紀念Peter Drucker的討論會。

敬弔 現代經營學、社會觀察大師 Peter Drucker
200511121955NHK廣播知道先生仙逝。(日美影響力、 員工是資產、 1965年三等瑞寶勳章……
Peter F. Drucker, a Pioneer in Social and Management Theory, Is Dead at 95

我在1990-91年教東海化工系,就是用Peter Drucker的『管理學』(ManagementTasksResponsibilities, Practices [Peter F. Drucker],台灣1973約有三種翻譯),那時版權在聯經,現在天下將它分成3本書出版:博客來-杜拉克:管理的使命......。不過,我也讀過,有人說『管理學』也只是泛泛之言而已。

今天,看到廖月娟譯的先生《旁觀者:杜拉克回憶錄》(Adventures of a Bystander by Peter Ferdinand Drucker 1993重新發行)在大陸的機械工業出版社發行(台灣約10年前舊書)。
約半年前,我收聽先生的50分鐘收音機訪談。先生諄諄告誡美國人: 世界已經是多強國之局勢…….
約十年前,先生是少數可以用email The Economist 澄清觀點的人。
H. A. Simon的回憶錄上提過,與你等主講” (?)世銀亞洲論壇。
先生稱 W. E. Deming  Ed.。你說,他對美國經營界有很深的挫折。

11月6號的新聞:NYU 的校園內挖掘出200年前的教堂墓間:

Two centuries-old burial vaults discovered beneath a street in the heart of NYU's campus by workers replacing a water main were likely part of a Presbyterian church cemetery, archaeologist says.

由於會討論 Peter Drucker 的回憶錄《旁觀者》,所以特別找曹永洋等學長參加,他過去四十多年很重視傳記的書寫。另外,戴久永老師、陳忠信先生都是本次討論的專家。

在日本產業和管理學方面的討論,多加入朱蘭博士J. M. Juran的成就和重要著作說明。這讓討論有時有3位明星: Peter Drucker 等人談日本的產業復興的外力,一定Deming和Juran並舉。

本書 At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit By Thomas F. O'Boyle 1998年初版,書名意思是Jack Welch 把他在中學時"不惜一切代價追求贏 (Win- At-All-Cost)心態帶入企業界。 (p.69) 它說明20世紀90年代GE的CEO,Jack Welch,他的一心追求的財務上短視績效,只是美國崇拜華爾街心態下應運而生的"假"英雄.....。
由本書的索引中的Peter Drucker和W. Edwards Deming,我們很可以知道作者如何利用這兩位管理學理論大師的基礎來寫他的史詩。第69頁以Drucker 著名的企業三問,導入Welch先生學自Bendix公司企畫長致Fortune 的信,發展出"本公司所有的事業部都必須是業界的第一名或第二名,才可以在本公司有立足之地。"的哲學。

頁373-74 頁更以Drucker 在1946年的【公司的概念】說,現代通用企車公司的開創者Alfred P. Sloan, Jr.,雖然將公司的汽車的美國市場佔有率提升到48% (約40年代末),集團之經營極客觀、有效、就事論事,不過GM是一家"沒有靈魂的公司" (參考Sloan 著的【我在通用汽車公司的日子】)。

Drucker 的另外一位企業英雄是創IBM的Thomas J. Watson Sr (他大Sloan一歲)。Sloan建立的是大而分權的企業,不過Watson 十年之後所建立的IBM,更尊重員工個人,創立Drucker夢寐以求的"全廠共同體" (plant community,如公司俱樂部等),對於要求尊守高商業道德標準等等,都是日本公司戰後學習的楷模--這是日本的友人告訴他的。(頁240-41)

本書也介紹Deming的經營管理的十四要點等,來針貶GE公司的經營---在Jack Welch的前任,60~80年代,GE的人,讓Drucker選為"專業知識工作者的代表。記W. Edwards Deming是作者當WSJ的記者時訪問Dr. Deming的。


1. 杜拉克的成就與他跟2所大學的關係:紐約大學商學研究所 GBA/NYU:Claremont Graduate University Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management)

2. 目標管理制 (MBO) 的功過

3. 日本作為文化、社會與產業的參考點

4. 討論 Peter Drucker的回憶錄 《旁觀者》與《不連續的時代》


1. 杜拉克的成就與他跟2所大學的關係:紐約大學商學研究所 GBA/NYU;SternBusiness的懷念;1971:Claremont Graduate University (then known as Claremont Graduate School)、1987起: Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management)


他決定不進大學,認為4年專心讀書是浪費時間 (他父親沒認為他是中輟生drop-out),所以走半工半讀。當時學制有彈性,法學博士是為培養公務員而不是大學的教師。Drucker因此在22歲就取得博士,也完成教師2篇論文。

他一生看過許許多多維也納人.....括號內為Adventures of a Bystander
講Peter Drucker 年輕時的歐洲教養:維也納,可參考的間接時代氛圍的書:
茨威格Stefa Zweign 《昨日的世界》The World of Yesterday 
Schnitzler archive; Peter Gay 《史尼茨勒的世紀》《現代主義》
《世紀末的維也納》 Fin-De-Siecle Vienna: Politics and  Culure作者:卡爾‧休斯克/著。
Oskar Kokoschka 柯克西卡;
《沒有個性的人》 By Robert Musil  (維也納的Republic Day,4.30 的自動示威集會是所有專制者學習對象)
兩本《佛洛伊德傳》By Peter Gay、Sigmund Freud、Ernest Jones。 (醫病人或藝術批評)

The Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1914.
CapitalVienna (main capital)[1]
and Budapest


Austria-Hungary was one of the Central Powers in World War I. It was already effectively dissolved by the time the military authorities signed an armistice at Villa Giusti on 3 November 1918. The Hungarian Kingdom and the Austrian Republic were treated as its successors de jure, while the independence of the West Slavs and South Slavs of the Empire as the Czechoslovak Republic, the Republic of Poland andKingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, respectively, was also recognized by the victorious powers.

The U.S. power transmission grid consists of about 300,000 km (190,000 mi) of lines operated by approximately 500 companies. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation(NERC) oversees all of them.

These are the 20 richest cities in America http://bloom.bg/1PcnddE

Bloomberg Business 的相片。

Books by Drucker[edit]

  • 1939: The End of Economic Man (New York: The John Day Company)
  • 1942: The Future of Industrial Man (New York: The John Day Company)
  • 1946: Concept of the Corporation (New York: The John Day Company)
  • 1950: The New Society (New York: Harper & Brothers)
  • 1954: The Practice of Management (New York: Harper & Brothers)
  • 1957: America's Next Twenty Years (New York: Harper & Brothers)
  • 1959: Landmarks of Tomorrow (New York: Harper & Brothers)
  • 1964: Managing for Results (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1967: The Effective Executive (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1969: The Age of Discontinuity (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1970: Technology, Management and Society (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1971: The New Markets and Other Essays (London: William Heinemann Ltd.)
  • 1971: Men, Ideas and Politics (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1971: Drucker on Management (London: Management Publications Limited)
  • 1973: Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices' (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1976: The Unseen Revolution: How Pension Fund Socialism Came to America (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1977: People and Performance: The Best of Peter Drucker on Management (New York: Harper's College Press)
  • 1978: Adventures of a Bystander (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1980: Managing in Turbulent Times (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1981: Toward the Next Economics and Other Essays (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1982: The Changing World of Executive (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1982: The Last of All Possible Worlds (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1984: The Temptation to Do Good (London: William Heinemann Ltd.)
  • 1985: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1986: The Frontiers of Management: Where Tomorrow's Decisions are Being Shaped Today (New York: Truman Talley Books/E.D. Dutton)
  • 1989: The New Realities: in Government and Politics, in Economics and Business, in Society and World View (New York: Harper & Row)
  • 1990: Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Practices and Principles (New York: Harper Collins)
  • 1992: Managing for the Future (New York: Harper Collins)
  • 1993: The Ecological Vision (New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers)
  • 1993: Post-Capitalist Society (New York: HarperCollins)
  • 1995: Managing in a Time of Great Change (New York: Truman Talley Books/Dutton)
  • 1997: Drucker on Asia: A Dialogue between Peter Drucker and Isao Nakauchi (Tokyo: Diamond Inc.)
  • 1998: Peter Drucker on the Profession of Management (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing)
  • 1999: Management Challenges for 21st Century (New York: Harper Business)
  • 1999: Managing Oneself (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing) [published 2008 from article in Harvard Business Review]
  • 2001: The Essential Drucker (New York: Harper Business)
  • 2002: Managing in the Next Society (New York: Truman Talley Books/St. Martin’s Press)
  • 2002: A Functioning Society (New Brunswick, NJ and London: Transaction Publishers)
  • 2004: The Daily Drucker (New York: Harper Business)
  • 2008 (posthumous): The Five Most Important Questions (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass)

2. 目標管理制 (MBO) 的功過

Peter Drucker's Winning Team - Businessweek - Bloomberg


Apr 10, 2008 - So Bavasi called Drucker to seek his counsel, and there began a relationship that, with the new baseball season just under way, is well worth ...

Former Cleveland Indians President Peter Bavasi on what ...

Apr 7, 2009 - Uploaded by DruckerInst
Former Cleveland Indians President Peter Bavasi on what he learned from Drucker. The Drucker Institute 

Management by objectives (MBO), also known as management by results (MBR), is a process of defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they need to do in the organization in order to achieve them. The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management.[1]
The essence of MBO is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making. An important part of the MBO is the measurement and the comparison of the employee’s actual performance with the standards set. Ideally, when employees themselves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities.
According to George S. Odiorne, the system of management by objectives can be described as a process whereby the superior and subordinate jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.[2]

Arguments against[edit]

MBO has its detractors and attention notably among them W. Edwards Deming, who argued that a lack of understanding of systems commonly results in the misapplication of objectives.[3] Additionally, Deming stated that setting production targets will encourage workers to meet those targets through whatever means necessary, which usually results in poor quality.[4]
Point 7 of Deming's key principles encourages managers to abandon objectives in favour of leadership because he felt that a leader with an understanding of systems was more likely to guide workers to an appropriate solution than the incentive of an objective. Deming also pointed out that Drucker warned managers that a systemic view was required [5] and felt that Drucker's warning went largely unheeded by the practitioners of MBO.

今年九月東芝向公眾表明,在過去七年虛假誇大收益情況,比實際收益高出 2248 億日元(約合 19 億美元),這一金額是這樁醜聞案被調查之初預計金額的四倍多。同天公佈的賬目顯示,電器和工程集團淨虧損 378 億日元,與去年淨利潤為 602 億日元形成強烈的反差。公司已經調低(write down) 了多個業務部門的財務數據,這些部門包括核電廠和半導體和家用電器部門。東芝財務年結束於每年三月份,財務問題在今年四月被發現。自四月份以來,公司股票一落千丈,不到五個月的時間市值跌掉了 30%。 日本史上最大的公司醜聞之一:東芝財務醜聞案東芝財務醜聞案成為日本最大的公司醜聞案之一,就在四年前,日本相機和醫療器械製造商奧林巴斯被發現誇大投資收益 15 億美金。東芝稱,財務造假的原因是管理人員設置過高的盈利目標致使下屬在無法達標的壓力之下謊報和隱瞞數據,特別是 CEO 給下屬設置了無法達到的銷售目標。
現任 CEO 田中九雄,東芝前任 CEO 西田厚聰(2005-2009),現任公司顧問,另一位前任 CEO 佐佐木則夫,現任董事會副主席,三人引咎辭職。一同辭職的還有 16 位董事會成員。董事會任命資生堂高級顧問前田真三為 CEO。

《36kr》,原標:日本史上最大的公司醜聞之一:東芝財務醜聞案)范范范宇萌 • 2015/09/08 17:08 http://36kr.com/p/5037186.html

3. 日本作為文化、社會與產業的參考點

3.1 日本產業和管理學方面的討論,多加入朱蘭博士J. M. Juran,成為討論的3明星: Peter Drucker 等人談日本的產業復興的外力,一定Deming和Juran並舉。

W. Edwards Deming的"日本論",他獨特的日本繪畫論。更集中注意力談 Peter Drucker的著作於

李國偉‎ 至 數學與藝術 Math and Art

19月2日曾經跟大家分享「切個貝果也可以有數學!」,而且也說過「這種切法跟牛尾啟三(Keizo Ushio)的石雕道理相通。」但是最近看了Carlo Séquin教授的解說,才知道牛尾較早發現這個結構。假如用更多刀片旋轉切貝果,會切出什麼形狀呢?請Séquin秀給你看。

Topology of a Twisted Torus - Numberphile
Featuring Professor Carlo Séquin - see more from him at:http://bit.ly/carlosequin More on this topic soon... Animation by Pete McPartlan: http…

4. 討論 Peter Drucker 的3本書:
1.回憶錄 《旁觀者》Adventures of A Bystander By Peter Drucker 旁觀者-管理大...
2.《不連續的時代》The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changi...
3.The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker's Essential Writings on Management The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of ...

《旁觀者》是 Peter Drucker 最心愛的書,約一年之內就一氣呵成。《不連續的時代》是他好有認為最好的書。
《旁觀者》的群英錄都很獨特,翻翻Polanyi一家,對老Polanyi的教育讚嘆。我對最小的兒子Michael Pplanyi有些研究,可Drucker說他最有名的著作是:Beyond Nihilism By M Polanyi,當時我還沒讀過,慚愧。

