2015年12月24日 星期四

再談【 Peter Drucker 和 W. Edwards Deming】在文類中的定位

再談【 Peter Drucker 和 W. Edwards Deming】在文類中的定位
2015年的10月和11月的"漢清講堂",都在談Peter Drucker和W. Edwards Deming 之間的友誼。
我根據的線索是1976年Peter Drucker寫信給W. Edwards Deming,告訴自己無法參加他的榮退活動及其他相關資料。



【寫作人生】David Lodge: Lives in Writing 2014  目錄

金斯利•艾米斯的起起落落     介紹The Odd Couple: The Curious Friendship between Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin By Richard Bradford

A Chance Meeting: Intertwined Lives of American Writers and Artists, 1854-1967
by Rachel Cohen
388pp, Cape, £18.99
偶遇. 副标题: 美国作家与艺术家的多维私交 作者: [美] 瑞切尔·科恩 译者: 高伟 出版社: 新星出版社 出版年: 2009-6 页数: 402 .  書本製作不良

2015年12月20日 星期日

John Sexton, the man who transformed NYU

New York Daily News editorial on John Sexton's tenure as NYU president:

The person most responsible for NYU's renaissance is a one-time Rockaways kid named John Sexton, who steps down at year’s end.

2015年12月16日 星期三




一名自由譯者的自言自語。與作者互動可上Facebook頁面https://www.facebook.com/victranslates 或寄 email 至 suisung@kimo.com。




In fact, it may not be too fanciful to anticipate that the acquisition and distribution of formal knowledge will come to occupy the place in politics of the knowledge society that the acquisition of property and income have occupied in the two or three centuries that we have come to call the Age of Capitalism.
(Peter F. Drucker, May 9, “The Center of the Knowledge Society,” The Daily Drucker, 2004.)......

我們下述的預期,並不會太離譜:在知識社會時代,正式知識 (案,定義詳上文脈絡)的取得和分配,它佔政治議題中的份量,將與過去二、三個世紀以來我們稱之為資本主義時代中,對"財產和收入之取得"者類似。

2015年12月8日 星期二

A Japanese screenprint of deer and pine in the snow (Morikawa Sobun)

A Japanese screenprint of deer and pine in the snow (Morikawa Sobun)
A Japanese screenprint of deer and pine in the snow. This 6-fold panel painting from 1892 gained Morikawa Sobun recognition in the art world for the delicate and graceful movement of an agile deer ‪#‎advent‬http://ow.ly/VtfI0

economic Management..."There is no more difficult task than to keep a corpse from rotting."

In the words of Peter Drucker, "There is no more difficult task than to keep a corpse from rotting." ??

Peter Drucker 的管理學理論是否可視為本文的
 economic Management學說

「不条理なるが故に我信ず」(別の訳例としては「不合理なるが故に我信ず」等、ラテン語Credo quia absurdum)という言葉が、

Our quote of the day is from the early Christian theologian Tertullian

特土良的三位一體論被稱為「實用三一學」(economic Trinity),因為他整個理論都是放在創造與救贖的教義上,較多討論神的工作,極少討論神的本性。有學者認為這是他的神學的一個特色,也是拉丁世界那種務實及功能主義的思想模式,這個態度與伊斯蘭神學近似。



Late Middle English: via Old French and Latin from Greek oikonomikos, from oikonomia (see economy). Originally a noun, the word denoted household management or a person skilled in this, hence the early sense of the adjective (late 16th century) 'relating to household management'. Modern senses date from the mid 19th century.

2015年12月3日 星期四

facebook的財富只是數字: Zuckerberg’s babies should be unbundled

facebook的財富只是數字: Zuckerberg’s babies should be unbundled


Mark Zuckerberg declared Facebook had a 'social mission' when it went public in 2012. That mission now has another coolly rational outlet.

December 2, 2015 6:41 pm

Zuckerberg’s babies should be unbundled

Solving the social problems of a generation is a different order of challenge to managing Facebook
Ingram Pinn illustration, Mark Zuckerberg family
very parent knows the biological intoxication — at least for a few weeks — of having your first child. That, plus living in California and being a technology idealist, may account for the somewhat sappy tone of Mark Zuckerberg’s letter this week to his new daughter Max, in which he announced that he will devote 99 per cent of his $45bn wealth to good works.
The Facebook founder’s pledge, with his wife Priscilla Chan, of “a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation” is no doubt deeply felt and genuine. It also has a coolly rational outcome — that he can demerge two things that have been mixed up in a single corporate structure: Facebook and philanthropy. The “social mission” he declared at Facebook when it went public in 2012 now has another outlet.
Warren Buffett has no higher social purpose for Berkshire Hathaway than achieving strong returns for shareholders; nor did Bill Gates for Microsoft when he was running it.
The $41bn Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to which Mr Buffett has promised to donate much of his wealth, is their main vehicle for venture philanthropy, impact investing, or call it what you will.
Like Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google’s founders, Mr Zuckerberg has until now combined running a corporation, investing in offbeat ideas and making the world a better place.
His letter to investors in Facebook’s initial public offering was more sober than this week’s missive but shared some of the same idealism, with its talk of creating “more direct empowerment of people”.
Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet, a holding company that will take “moonshot” bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons to spread internet access to poor countries and remote areas. They are long-term investments of the kind Mr Zuckerberg’s new venture can make, although Alphabet is not philanthropic.
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative — the quaint title for their joint venture, which will seek profits as well as making donations — goes a step further. The Chan-Zuckerbergs will attempt to “advance human potential” and promote social equality with measures that will include “long-term investments over 25, 50 or even 100 years”.
The Chan-Zuckerbergs’ worries about inequality mirror those of Andrew Carnegie
This is a simpler way to aim at such outcomes than including them as an ancillary target for a company that is focused on other things, whether social networking or search. An ambitious ethical stance is bound to make investors uneasy because they do not know what it involves — does linking communities mean manufacturing mobile phones or drilling a tunnel through the centre of the earth?
Facebook’s mission will no doubt stay in place but this takes the pressure off. Mr Zuckerberg has been wooing China — learning the language and making frequent visits — although his IPO letter included a call for “more accountability for officials,” which probably goes down badly there.
Dividing Zuckerberg the chief executive from Zuckerberg the political idealist may help.
While separating public company from private philanthropy brings greater clarity and freedom of manoeuvre to both, it does not make the latter either simple or cheap. Mr Zuckerberg’s aside to his daughter that he knows $45bn “is a small contribution” to changing the world reads like a billionaire’s false humility, but he is right.
In some ways, Mr Zuckerberg is following Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate, who founded a network of 1,700 public libraries in the US. Carnegie argued in his essay, “The Gospel of Wealth” (1889), that industrialists should “busy themselves in organising benefactions from which the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage,” rather than leaving their money to their children.
The new generation of philanthropists wants to believe there is a clever ‘hack’ for every problem
- Sean Parker
The Chan-Zuckerbergs’ worries about inequality mirror those of Carnegie, who observed “the contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the labourer” in the age of US industrialisation. He concluded of capitalism: “It is here; we cannot evade it; no substitutes have been found; and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race.”
They have set themselves a more complex task than Carnegie faced a century ago — namely, to find innovative ways of addressing intractable global issues.
Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation, wrote recently that Carnegie’s wealth was “a pittance in comparison with the world’s trillions of dollars of needs for food and housing, education, infrastructure and healthcare” (even if the foundation bearing his name is still making inroads into them).
Solving what Mr Zuckerberg tells Max will be “the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face” is another order of challenge to managing Facebook. “The new generation of philanthropists wants to believe there is a clever ‘hack’ for every problem,” Sean Parker, the entrepreneur and former Facebook executive, wrote in June. For some problems, there is not.
Mr Zuckerberg has clearly learnt lessons from his $100m donation in 2010 to support reform of New Jersey schools, which soon ran into difficulty. Changing societies requires more time, more money and greater willingness to suffer frustration than launching a new product. It is hard enough for one organisation to do one, let alone both.
When Max grows up, her mother and father can teach her about that.

2015年12月2日 星期三

11月18日上午舉辦紀念Peter Drucker的討論會

我打算在11月18日上午舉辦紀念Peter Drucker的討論會。
內容談他與W. Edwards Deming的"日本論",他獨特的日本繪畫論。更集中注意力談 Peter Drucker的著作,譬如說回憶錄《旁觀者》和他好友認為最好的《不連續的時代》。
《旁觀者》的群英錄都很獨特,翻翻Polanyi一家,對老Polanyi的教育讚嘆。我對最小的兒子Michael Pplanyi有些研究,可Drucker說他最有名的著作是:Beyond Nihilism By M Polanyi,這我還沒讀過,慚愧。

紀念 Peter Drucker 討論會 2015 鍾漢清 曹永洋、戴久永

https://youtu.be/rgwcAiJIQEI 公開されました。

2015年12月1日 星期二

Management as a skill. I want to see the manager.

Our Economist Espresso quote of the day is from the American novelist William S. Burroughs

Management as a skill has rarely been taken seriously in Britain. The cult of the gifted amateur prevails

Business gets serious about running a business.